Dream World

Some different classes from my school went to Bangkok by a two decker bus to go to Dream World. It is a little theme park just outside of Bangkok. Me in the entrace thing..:D The girls I was with the whole day..:D they are a great group! This ride was really exciting!! Some of my friends are on this ride in this picture too. :-P hahaha...Nicky and I on the Viking Ship..i went to take a picture, looked down, and accidentally screamed as i took it...it turned out amazingly funny though!!!


Unknown said…
Ohh that spinning ride looks like so much fun! I've always wanted to go on one of them! :P It looks like you've been having a good time, so that's cool. :)
I miss you and I love you!
Unknown said…
Oh, and p.s. I like your tanktop. =]]
Anonymous said…
Yes! Its a good thing I wasn't on that ride. It would not be a pretty site, but hey you had fun. The picture is an amazing awesome picture of the two of you.
