Dream World Continued.....the Winter Room

I forgot to add these pictures!! :-P It was so funny! They had this huge building with one room in it, and had fake snow. They gave everyone coats and boots and it was so funny to see everyone with huge coats and bare legs running around saying how cold they were!! Nicky (host siter) and I with the sign. :D Huddling for warmth!!! I have to admit..yes it was a bit cold..:-S Their snowman..it was made of ice! Their sledding hill!! It was so funny to listen to all the Thai people SCREAM their heads off while they went down..:D:D My friends under the Christmas tree. :D This lady asked me if she could get her picture taken with me..no I have no idea who she is. I think its just because I am a "foreigner" though! Nicky and I under the tree :D:D
