Camping in the Mountains II

My family went "camping" in the mountains to the same spot again! It was so much fun! About 50 people went this time though, so it was really exciting! There was also one foreigner there originaly from Pennsylvania but he's been here for 2.5 years. Him and I loved seeing their 'Thai' version of camping, being very different from home! This is my sister Nook and I in front of the mountians. I'm wearing a hoodie because they had the AC on full blast in the car for the 3 hour car ride there! She's wearing a hat and sweater because she doesn't want to get tan skin. haha My cousin Neung and I. My mom!! HAHA it was actually a really warm and sunny day, I couldn't help but laugh! After setting up the tents. Previously there had been about 3 cars parked in this little area! See the huge bins sitting out, and the large bags in front of the tents. These are just packed for one night! This is some food and luggage...can I say again...for one night! haha :D It was still cool that they got out to the mountians to go camping, even though it was in someone's back yard. :D About 20 kids crowding into the back and we drove for over 30 minutes on the road! I ended up joining them later! Thai version of a hay ride? The looked like they were having the time of their lives going a good 5 mph, they were hilarious! At the top of the mountians they had these rental golf clubs with wooden balls and slingshots with a type of stone to shoot. They thought I could golf, so here I was trying for about 5 minutes to hit the ball, but every time I swung, I missed. So I ended up hitting it like a baseball! It worked though!! hahaha My cousin showing me how its done! :-P My other cousin and I competing with the sling shots. (He won, mine went about 5 took some practice ok!) A HUGE slingshot!! It took about 5 kids to get this to work! The adults that went with all the kids! Some tractor device. These kids were playing on it and told me to take a picture. :) What we got to see of the sunset behind the fog in the mountians, beautiful nonetheless. When we got back, they started up the fire! It was pretty big too! Eating by candle light next to the fire. This made the usual task of eating random things at dinner even more of a challenge! The woman with the box on her head is actualy serious. I guess there is some water in the air or something, so everyone was wearing hats or hoods! They kept putting up the hood on my sweatshirt too! The guy on the right was playing the guitar I brought and I later played and sang for about an hour for everyone! :D Waking up after a long night of listening to another party nearby where some people sang keroke alllll night. In Thailand it is a real hit to sing keroke! But when I woke up in the morning @ 5, they were STILL singing! My grandma in the morning cooking bananas to eat with this sweet sauce. Its realllly good! :D Leaving the mountians! Taking one last look at the beautiful view. *************SKY COASTER*************** We went to this little park on our way home with climbing walls, a little zip line, and this thing called 'sky coaster'. It was fun though! For about $8 you get to get dropped from this little 50 ft tower. :D It was really beautiful going over the garden. I talked my cousin into doing it too! She was so scared to go, but had a great time! Me getting cranked up. Up in the air! I yelled "its beautiful" in Thai, and the 50 people watching me were laughing so hard! haha Another cousin going down the mini-zipline over the garden. :D It was a really great weekend. My Thai is getting alot better, so I had a much better time and could actually talk with quite a few people! It's so exciting to be able to communicate to people now, and I don't have to think about words before I say them, it's just becoming so smooth! :D


Anonymous said…
Wow!! That looks like such a blast and looks so cool! It looks like it is really beautiful in the Mountians! It's starting to get so cold here. :( Miss you!
Anonymous said…
How do you say "AMAAAAAAZING" in Thai? I especially like the pictures with you hitting the golf ball like a baseball. Very impressive! :-) That´s how I´d play it too!

Miss you lots,

Your German twin, Tina
Anonymous said…
I love the Thai meal, while camping!!
Wow! Also all the stuff for one night, like you said.
I would love to go on that zip line with you!