Thai Funerals

In Thailand, funerals are deffinately really different. Firstly, the whole process lasts about 5 days. The first day is a little gathering, then like the second or third day they have this ceremony, then throught the rest of the time people bring flowers and more flowers, and each day it gets more beautiful! They have monks come in and do this like 20 minute "prayer type song" for the person, everyone at the ceremony sits there and "sings" with them with their hands in the praying posistion in front of their chest. Since I'm not Bhuddist, I just get to sit there for 20 minutes anddd...yep, just sit there. :) This is a picture of my host mom and I in front of the "box" they put the body in. This is just showing more of the flower huge wreaths. I was so impressed! These are the monks doing something, I honestly had no idea. The people in front, are politicians or head people in our city. My dad is up there to the right. A group of people all wearing white, guess you can choose to wear white or black to a funeral, but thats it! A group of some people wearing black. They were giving me funny looks for taking their pictures, it was fun!


Anonymous said…
Wow, that Thai funeral is something. That many monks there? Interesting to see the similarities and the differences.