Times in Bangkok!

I've went to Bangkok a few different times now. The first time (other than my flight here) was going to this HUGE market!! Amazing! The second time I went with my host sister to say goodbye to her friend going to Brazil! The third time we stayed for 4 days at Nook's (older sister) dorm room in her university! It was great! This is Nicky, her friend going to Brazil and I in the airport. We got to take these sky trains! They go above the city and you can look out and see all the buildings and people and everything! It was SOO cool! This is infront of Siam Mall. Apparantly the mall is only for falung because everything there is "incredibly expensive" but the Thai people like to go and walk around and look at everything. In all actuality, everything is priced the same as stuff at home! Some beautiful decorations in the mall. Many fountians, small pools, and things...really neat. This place is huge! We ate with some of Nicky's friends. I liked looking at the traffic below! Can't say I've ever eaten bear-shaped rice before. Made me laugh! ********4 DAY STAY******** These are a few pics from my 4 day stay with Nook. If you enlarge this picture, it looks pretty cool. There are two buildings with huge pictures of the King, to show their respect! This building is sopposed to be like an elephant. :D Another with the king, its really amazing to see! This was such a cool view. So much crazy traffic here. A memorial for soldiers. Nicky and I took one of these little 3-wheeled taxis! Funny thing is, they make foreigners pay about 300 bhat, and Thai about 30 bhat. So first time we tried to take one they wanted us to pay 80 each (Nick and I), Nicky was FURIOUS! So next time, I hid while she asked how much, and we got it for 35! :D Nicky and I in the taxi. Me, Noon, Pear, and Nicky met up in Siam Mall. We ate Japanese!! One of them made me try Wasabi, just sushi, but they put this green stuff on it without telling me, and I ate it and thought I was going to die!! It was one of the worse experiences I've ever had! So increidibly spicy I had tears streaming down my face immediately after putting it in my mouth! On the sidewalk. Walking over the highway at night. Nook's apartment/dorm room area..looked so nice! During the day! Fire escapes! Made me want to run up them all!!


Anonymous said…
Holy cow, Megan, that´s kind of intimidating! It´s huge!!! I´ve been to Bankok before, but only on the airport, I think. I bet the city´s worth seeing!

Enjoy your time! Say hi to your family for me.

Lots of hugs from your German twin,
