Buffalo Festival!

So during my school's mid-term break, my falung friend Stephanie and I went and visited Daniel!! He lives in Ban Bung. We went to Chon Buri for the day!! It was so funny! So there were loads, probably hundreds of buffaloes all in this little area! They were decorated, and there were races, and there was like Thai dancers and loud music and everything! This is some of the buffaloes racing!! It was so funny how much these guys got into it! Hearing them scream in Thai was deffinately funny!! We saw a bunch of guys fall off though too! :-s So we stopped to get our picture with the buffalo, and the guy ended up having us SIT on it!! YAY!! that was so fun, cept the only thing was, the guy helped Daniel get up, but when it came to me, I was left alone to try to get up alone. Stephanie finaly came over and offered a hand! haha! (notice how much this guy is helping him get up!!!) Stephanie and I!! :D Yeah, the 3 of us decided to be totally falung and pose with the life sized stuffed animal person thing :-P The day before, we went to Pattya and hung out for the day! It was a lot of fun, and Daniel and I rented a jet ski, where I got to drive for the first time ever! Except we got lost, and our 30 minutes was up, and had no idea where to go on this 200 mile stretch of beach where all the umbrellas looked the same!! Daniel's host brother decided to invite a lot of friends to come, so 7 of us piled into a 5 person car, and we ended up throwing Daniel in the trunk!! yay!


Anonymous said…
Looks like way too much fun. Have a great time on your upcoming trip
Anonymous said…
Alright Meg, you´re having way too much fun over there! But I thought you´d be riding one of those in a race :-) Well, you´re probably not allowed anyways being an exchange student. Always have to stick to the rules, right? haha!!!! Enjoy your stay! Know that I love you and miss you LOTS!

Hey megan, it's Megan! I don't know if you remember but we talked a while after grand rapids, I just had the time to check your site out, and it looks like you're having a blast in Thailand! I'm living it up in Japan too! Hope the rest of your year goes well and I'll be sure to check back a few more times :)