Sport Day!

Firstly, sorry it's been about forever that I've posted anything!! Things have gone absolutely crazy here! So I just got back from a trip with rotary, to Phu Kradung National Park in the Mountians for about 10 days!! It was INCREDIBLE!! BUT--first i have to talk about something that happened before I left to Phu Kradung! SPORT DAY! Sport Day takes place on the last 2 days of November, I ended up missing it because I went to Phu Kradung, but I got to participate in activities after school every day for it for over a month!! I swam, ran, played chair ball (mix of football and basketball), and danced every day!! One weekend everyone in our school participated in a mini-marathon! It was only a 5.5 Kilometer race, but I'm out of shape, in Thailand, and it's HOT!! I ran it so hard!! Can you tell by my face here? This was about 15 minutes after I finished the race, so just imagine how I looked right after! In fact, it took me about 30 minutes to be able to walk again! :-s BUT OUT OF ALL THE GIRLS IN MY SCHOOL I GOT SECOND PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited about this!! Everyone in my school was required to participate, but they could choose to walk too! They also told me, among the guys, I was placed between 30 and 40 too!! I was so proud of myself! After a while, they had 6 groups of dancers from each color do a performance, it was so cool!! Everyone in my school gathered to watch them dance! After a while, I made 4 new friends, and we went to Lam Thong (huge shopping mall) and sang keroke! On the 4th floor of this shopping mall they have over 30 little seperated rooms with TVs and mics for singing, and you pay about .75 cents for 3 songs!! We were dancing and singing and getting into it so much!! It was a blast!! One of my newly made friends dancing around the little room!! HAHA!! Laughing so hard!! They picked some Britany Spears song for me to sing!! Only in Thailand... And my CELEBRATION ice cream!! ohh man that was so good :D totally deserved too! My head was spinning the rest of the day from that run, I've never worked so hard in my life!


Anonymous said…
Hi Megan, today is 12-20-2007 and I just received a copy of the Thunderbolt Flash. So I hopped on your blog. Wow, it looks amazing there! You look like you are having a great time! Your "descriptive essay" on "The Bankai Market" was really good. You have a nak in writing.
I can't wait to see what you do next! Leslee Allie (your class advisor of 2008 :)