Changing Host Families!!

So here comes a big turn around in every Rotary Youth Exchangers year abroad. Changing host families. It is just what the Rotary exchange students do being a part of Rotary, and no other exchange program offers this. At first, changing families seemed like a rough idea to think about, but the more I thought about it, I realized, that there was even differing culture between familes and developing deep relationships with more than one family would be important to both me and them! I changed on the King's birthday, the first wednesday of December (I can't remember the date right now). Hanging out with my host mom and aunt the last night @ home! The next day I gave out a bunch of American stuff, like T-shirts, flags, notebook papers, hats, books, shoes, etc..they were all dancing around with them!! It was SOO cute!! We went to the temple for honoring fathers on Father's Day. My mom fell in love with this baby! It was so cute! Some of the monks preparing to eat and do the humming prayers for each family! Here's some of my first host family, minus Nicky (my host sister and amazing friend). She was gone doing something for school and couldn't be there. But I honestly love these guys, and can truely say they feel like a real family. These are my host mom's parents! They are both so sweet, although my host grandpa is having eye problems and hearing problems. But it is incredible how much they both work every day, and what they are capable of!! I've never seen anything like it! Stopping to look at the mountian view. My host mom and I riding in the back of a truck together!! :D:D She's SOO cute!! HAHA!! All my bags!! I think there was a total of like 8 bags, not including little other things I had to hand carry!! Yeah, I'm going to need to get rid of some stuff before I come back home ey?! My new host family took me to the beach!! We then watched fireworks and didn't get home until 3 in the morning!! They also took me to the beach in Rayong where I got to swim in my city at the beach for the first time!! And I've been here about 4 months!! That was really sweet! So here's my new host family and I!! The little girl is my 20yr old host brother's daughter! Next to me is my 21yr old host sister! They are really kind and giving to me, and are so far a really sweet family!
