American Parents!!!

First off...sorry it's been just about forever that I've posted!! :-s Soo, for the entire month of Febuary I was lucky enough to be able to have my parents came and visit me!! It was crazy seeing them again for sure! Funny thing was, the first thing I noticed about them was how WHITE their skin was and how BIG their noses were!! HAHA just the same way Thai people react when they see foreigners! Here are my host parents and my real parents together!! Felt like a crazy dream! My host parents took us to see a dancing show and elephants! Check this out, the elephant is riding a bicycle! We also saw this amazing dancing show with 100s of dancers doing different styles of dancing from all the regions of Thailand! Some other dancers.. Later they took us to another temple! Here both my host families and my real family and even MORE FAMILY joined and we all ate dinner together!! On this mountian is a huge engraved gold painting of Bhudda, it was spectacular! My parents and I went to a Burmese refugee camp and helped out for 4 days. There was a team of 8 of us that went. My parents and I told bible stories to the kids while they waited for their checkups from doctors and nurses. Here is where we slept for 3 nights in a bamboo shelter. One of the Pastors of the camp invited us to his home to eat lunch after the church service. They asked me to play the guitar everywhere I went! My mom and I singing and teaching the kids worship songs! A view of the bamboo village A typical Thai style massage in Chaing Mai. A village woman selling bananas and bamboo to feed elephants. Some village kids knew Thai and they could speak Thai with me!!! My mom and I riding an elephant!! These things are SOO huge!! My aunt up ahead on the trail! We went to a waterfall and went swimming! Two Karen missionaries we met at our hotel! Some street bands at the market playing in the center of the stands! My first time on a train!! Spending almost a week on Thailand's second biggest island: Ko Chang. We went to this sand scuplpting place with around 100 sculptings made of sand!! It was pretty detailed!! My mom and I had to wear robes because we weren't dressed "appropriate" for going into the temple. A view of the temple as the sun was setting. Last day with my parents before saying goodbye. Both of my families combined!!! My host family and I :D
